Studio Policies + Tuition
60 min lesson - $72
45 min lesson - $60
Sibling rate: multiple siblings taking lessons will be charged the lower hourly rate for their total combined lesson time.
Tuition for lessons during the school year (Sept-May) is based on a per lesson fee averaged out to 9 equal monthly payments. Tuition is due for the month by the first lesson of every month. You will receive an invoice on or shortly before the first lesson of the month. If you do not have autopay set up, you can pay online with card, or in person by check or cash.
Tuition for summer lessons is based on a per lesson price due at the beginning of each month.
Rescheduling/Flex Lesson Policy:
There are 35-36* teaching weeks in 2023-2024 school year, but students are only billed for 32-33. These flex (“free”) lessons are rolled into tuition in order to be used for illness or other misses. Two of these flex lessons are for the student, the third flex lesson is for the teacher.
Bi-weekly lessons receive one flex lesson. 16 lessons are scheduled, but students are only billed for 15.
Because of these flex lessons, students will no longer be guaranteed a specific number of makeup lessons for the year.
Any missed lessons above and beyond these 2 flex lessons may be rescheduled if the teacher’s schedule allows.
There will be no refunds for any missed lessons.
Any lessons missed by the instructor above and beyond the 1 flex lesson will be refunded or rescheduled as soon as possible.
*There are 35 teaching weeks for Mon & Fri lessons, and 36 teaching weeks for Tues-Thurs lessons.
Studio Expectations:
In order to provide the best learning environment for students, both in the lesson and at home, please observe the following.
Students are expected to practice a minimum of 5 days per week. Length of practice will be discussed depending on level and age of student.
Quality over quantity! Effective practicing demands full concentration and the student should be in a frame of mind where they can be intentional about what they are doing. Mindless repetition is not practice.
Adult Students: practice expectations are more self-directed based on what the student has time for among other life commitments and their goals for piano.
Attendance/During the Lesson:
Prompt attendance is essential. (Try to plan ahead, I know traffic can be ridiculous!). Time will not be given to accommodate late arrivals. I will make every effort to stay on time within the studio.
Students are to bring all of their books and materials every week. A designated bag for music books is recommended.
Sibling students are welcome to hang out during the family's lesson time if they are quiet and not a distraction. If the teacher ends up semi-babysitting younger siblings, the quality of lessons goes down drastically.
For the safety of your child, kid students should be picked up immediately following their lesson. IF you are running late for pick up, please text me and I will have them wait in the back yard where I can keep an eye on them.
In order to take lessons the student must have daily access to a keyboard instrument with the following qualifications:
88 fully functioning weighted action keys
A working damper pedal or sustain pedal
A bench that is the proper height for you/your pianist (we can discuss simple/affordable modifications for your bench if needed)
As accurately in tune as possible (a tuning 1-2 times per year is recommended)
Lesson Termination:
When you enroll yourself or your child in lessons, you commit to you/your pianist attending and paying for lessons for the entire school year (or the remainder of the year if you are starting mid year). If lessons are to be discontinued, a full month’s notice is required, or a full monthly payment if you wish lessons to discontinue immediately. Exceptions would be made in case of a planned move or physical injury.
Students may be dismissed from lessons for the following reasons:
Continued and extreme deficiency of practicing.
Excessive uncommunicated absences from lessons.
Disrespectful or completely uncooperative attitude toward instructor or other students.
Failure to pay tuition.
The studio purchases all books for kid students and student parents buy them from the studio at the purchasing price + occasional shipping. For adult students, they may have the studio purchase books for them, or opt to purchase books themselves.
Photography & Publicity
The instructor reserves the right to use photos taken during lessons, classes, and events. Photographs featuring registered students are considered eligible for publication or public use unless the students (or parent/guardian of students under 18) submit a request for non-use in writing prior to the date when the photograph appears.
When I accept students into my studio, I am committing to nurture their development as a pianist, musician and person. Every individual has slightly different needs and part of this commitment is finding what works for each student. I appreciate open communication and I am available for any questions you may have.
Enrollment in lessons constitutes agreement to all of the above studio policies.